vestibular e-learning opportunities

Upcoming Vestibular E-Learning Opportunities


Knowledge is power, and Interacoustics is empowering you to stay up to date on the latest and greatest in balance technology with a few exciting learning opportunities over the next few months. Learn about how revolutionary technologies can improve patient outcomes, how new test protocols can provide more comprehensive vestibular assessments, and much more.

Read on for more information about two excellent, free learning opportunities Interacoustics is hosting in October and November.

Peripheral to central: How technology can set your site apart | Case study journey from referral to treatment


October 14, 2021 – 4pm – 5pm CST


Michael Hoeper, Physical Therapist

Dr. Michelle Petrak, Practicing Audiologist

Subject Matter:

Learn about the benefits of a multi-disciplinary patient journey – from the role of the audiologist in testing and diagnosis to the involvement of the physical therapist in assessment and treatment. Subject matter experts Dr. Michelle Petrak and Michael Hoeper will demonstrate how modern technology benefits the clinician and patient through both assessment and treatment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to describe protocols for vestibular assessment and how to report findings to a vestibular therapist
  • Understand why computerized VOR assessments provide greater potential for positive outcomes than the standard bedside test
  • Learn how computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) assessment and treatment can be vital to treatment of difficult patients, such as those with central vestibular disorders

Saccadometry – a new tool for assessing central vestibular disorders


November 18, 2021 – 4pm – 5pm CST


Dr. Michelle Petrak, Practicing Audiologist

Cammy Bahner, Audiologist

Subject Matter:

Saccadometry is a new tool in the VisualEyes VNG platform and is useful for assessing central vestibular disorders. Dr. Michelle Petrak and Cammy Bahner will demonstrate how to implement these new protocols into the typical VNG test battery, how to interpret the new graphical displays, and how to report the findings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to implement a Saccadometry protocol into your current test battery
  • Know how to explain the graphical results from the Saccadometry protocols
  • Learn to interpret results of Saccadometry tests

Don’t miss your opportunity to attend these two exciting educational events and learn more about the wonders of new balance assessment technologies and protocols. Register today to secure your spot!