e3 Diagnostics

Tele-audiology has been a hot topic for several years as practices look for ways to improve efficiency, extend geographic reach, and make hearing care more accessible to patients.

e3 Diagnostics offers a wide range of resources to help you better understand the advantages tele-audiology presents, especially during these challenging times. Learn more about our tele-audiology solutions and how they can help you today!

  • Tele-Audiology AMTAS

    Patient-directed evaluation tool that uses patented test methods and accuracy algorithms to perform diagnostic and screening audiometry.

  • Tele-Audiology RAS

    Comprehensive remote diagnostics and hearing aid fitting system that can be configured to your needs. Provides you with all the tools you need to treat you patients over video conference.

  • Tele-Audiology MedRx Booth

    This option features an easy to set-up Telehealth system using your existing booth. Mix & match MedRx products.

  • e3 blogs

    We have a ton of great articles about tele-audiology best practices, how to successfully implement a tele-audiology program, and whether tele-audiology is right for you. Visit our blog today!

  • e3 podcast

    We recently recorded a podcast on the current state of tele-audiology and what the future holds. Special guests include the Director of TeleHealth at Your Hearing Network, a professional who was involved with several of the first tele-audiology system installations in the U.S., and more. Listen today!

  • managed

    Learn more about how you can obtain resources to create a virtual audiology center anywhere in the country. Check out Your TeleHearing Care from YHN today!

  • remotecare

    Remote care allows you to hold a virtual appointment with selected clients, where you can remotely adjust their hearing aids.

Visit Oticon’s Practice Support page to learn more about recent legislative updates that can assist you during this unprecedented time, RemoteCare, webinars and more!
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