
The Importance of a Situational Camera in VNG


Performing a videonystagmography (VNG) test has its many benefits. For one, the person being tested can obtain peace of mind from learning the cause of their dizziness. On the other hand, the practitioner can record the test and save the video for further review and future use as training material. This is especially true when you have VNG equipment that features a situational camera.

Also known as room cameras, situational cameras present the practitioner with the ability to video record an entire VNG session from beginning to end. Being able to see your work and the patient’s reactions during the oculomotor, positional, and caloric portions of each test from a different perspective provides several benefits.

Review of positional maneuvers

Should you receive unusual or abnormal results from a VNG test, reviewing the video and sound recorded by the situational camera can reveal if there were discrepancies during any of the positional maneuvers. You can confirm that you or the examiner performing the test were properly keeping the patient alert with a steady flow of questions. Verifying that each step of the test was performed correctly eliminates any possibility that results were influenced by anything other than the patient’s reactions.

Training materials for students and new practitioners

A situational camera provides balance professionals with the ability to videotape themselves performing positional maneuvers, including, but not limited to:

  • Epley
  • Dix-Hallpike (Left and Right)
  • Semont
  • Foster
  • Brandt-Daroff

The videos can then be used as a teaching tool for students and newer practitioners. The recordings will prove to be time-and-cost effective as they can be viewed and studied at any time.

Recording and analysis of patient interviews

Another advantage of having a situational camera is the ability to record the interviews you have with your patients before and after a VNG exam. As you provide treatment over an extended period of time, you can review interview videos to help gain a deeper assessment of how your patients are responding to their treatment.

Equip yourself with the right tools

If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of a situational camera for VNG tests, the VisualEyes™ 525 from Micromedical by Interacoustics is a great option. As Pam Dunlap, PT, DPT, NCS, from UPMC, University of Pittsburgh Department of Physical Therapy noted:

“The Interacoustics Video Frenzel goggles are ideal for vestibular rehabilitation. They are easy to use and provide high quality video. The ability to record video is essential for complex cases, student and patient education. The goggles are comfortable for patients. This system is the best I have used as a clinician specializing in vestibular physical therapy.”

To learn more about the advantages of having a situational camera as part of your VNG testing regimen, please contact your local e3 Diagnostics representative or call 800-323-4371. If you’re already sure VisualEyes 525 is right for you, request a quote today!


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