
Precision Probe Tube with Audioscan's ProbeGUIDE


Recently, Audioscan released a new software-assisted system for placement of the probe tube in real-ear measurement (REM) called ProbeGUIDE. Available on Verifit®2 and Axiom®, ProbeGUIDE leverages machine learning to accurately predict when the probe tube tip is within 5mm of the eardrum. Additionally, it lets you continuously see photos of the probe tube's location in real time as you insert it into the ear.

Watch this short video on ProbeGUIDE to learn more!

Shortly after the release of ProbeGUIDE, Hearing Review wrote a comprehensive article about the system and how it compares to traditional methods of probe tube placement.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Proper probe tube placement is necessary for valid real-ear measurements, and is therefore an important aspect of verification. To assist with this component, Audioscan developed an acoustic-based, software-driven probe tube placement tool called Probe Guide. The positive findings of this study suggest Probe Guide is a useful tool that can assist clinicians with probe tube placement when needed. To the extent that confidence and/or lack of experience with probe tube placement is an obstacle to conducting REM, the results of this study should encourage clinicians to use Probe Guide as a means to more routinely incorporate REM into their practice.

For more information about ProbeGUIDE, get in touch with your local e3 office today! We'd be happy to provide you with more information or schedule a demonstration with you.