
“Hear’s” to An End-of-Year Wrap-up for Your Practice


As another year comes to a close now is a great time to take stock of your audiology practice and think about what, if anything, you might want to do differently for 2023. Here are a few questions to give you some food for thought about how you can make sure your practice is running at its highest level of productivity and continues to grow in the coming year:

1. Does any of my equipment need to be calibrated or have a preventative maintenance service?
2. Do I need to purchase or lease any new equipment? If yes, can I take advantage of Section 179?
(Read our recent blog about 179 here: Your Savings Opportunity is Here Its Called Section 179)
3. How can I set up better Testing Protocols and have better Patient Workflow? Do I need help getting the most from my software? Can my equipment be better optimized? Could a consultant be helpful to my practice in advising us of better use of our space?

Lots of really important questions to ponder! So now the tough part for you…answering these questions honestly and making a plan to move forward before the end of the year.

1. Does any of my equipment need to be calibrated or have a preventative maintenance service?

Inaccurate testing results can result in a missed diagnosis, treatment that is unnecessary, and the possibility of causing further damage to your patients’ hearing. Don’t risk the possibility of fines or damage to your reputation because of uncalibrated equipment.

To ensure your patients are receiving the quality care they deserve, having your audiology equipment calibrated on a yearly basis is necessary. Regular audiometer calibration ensures the hearing level complies with strict values set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the manufacturer’s specific references.
e3 Diagnostics provides local calibration services that are unparalleled in efficiency and the latest in the utilization of the most updated technology. Schedule an appointment with an e3 Diagnostics service technician today and start the new year off with well-calibrated equipment!

If you notice any of your equipment is not functioning correctly, get in touch with us immediately and schedule a service appointment. We’ll work diligently to ensure it is functioning to its maximum capacity so you can continue to provide the quality treatment your patients have come to expect.

2. Do I need to purchase or lease any new equipment? If yes, can I take advantage of Section 179?

Think about the age of your current equipment and if it allows you to offer as many services as you would like. Perhaps if you added some new equipment, you could serve a wider range of patients and/or be able to offer additional services that you cannot provide with the equipment you currently have. Now is the perfect time to make that purchase!

The Section 179 tax deduction allows a medical or professional practice to take advantage of a tax deduction for the cost of qualifying equipment, software, and technology.

Utilizing this deduction, you can purchase up to a cap of $1,080,000 this year, which will lower your taxable income and increase your cashflow. In order to qualify for this deduction, you must purchase and place into service the equipment, technology, and/or software by December 31, 2022. So don’t delay. Contact your local e3 Diagnostics representative today and start the process.

3. How can I set up better Testing Protocols and have better Patient Workflow? Do I need help getting the most from my software? Can my equipment be better optimized? Could a consultant be helpful to my practice in advising us of better use of our space?

As most of you know, the standardized procedures that audiologists use to diagnose and evaluate hearing and balance disorders are designed to ensure consistent and accurate data collection to provide the most comprehensive and reliable diagnoses with treatment recommendations for their patients.

Software is available that can help you with better patient workflow that you may already have but are not fully employing. Oftentimes a professional has become accustomed to daily use of existing protocols and not realize there are alternative options that can improve workflow and patient care efficiency.

Our experienced e3 Diagnostics team members can help you and your staff with many of these practice challenges. We can help with software and equipment training/optimization, and show you how you may be able to improve your practice efficiency.

e3 Diagnostics can be your solution to all of the above. We are the national specialists serving you throughout the country with 34 offices nationwide. Let us help you finish your year on a positive note — make an appointment with your local e3 Diagnostics representative and begin 2023 with a head start to growing your practice and being more efficient and successful in every way.

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