Getting Started for Audiologist

Getting Started for Audiologists


Getting started: RECD


In this course, Amanda Goodhew, International Clinical Trainer, will explore how to perform RECD measurements for hearing aid fitting, including the differences in transducers available and tips and tricks on how to get good quality RECD measurements.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to perform an RECD on a pediatric patient.
  • Explore the differences between the transducers available for RECD measurements.
  • Understand how to obtain good quality RECD measurements

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Getting started: Hearing Instrument Testing (HIT)


In this course, Jack Bennett, International Clinical Trainer, will explore the importance of hearing instrument test box measurements and show you how to get started with performing HIT box measurements. Learning objectives: Understand why HIT box measurements should be integrated in your clinic Understand how to perform HIT box measurements with different types of hearing aids and check tolerances to ANSI and IEC standards Understand how to perform additional measurements in the HIT box.

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Getting started: VNG


This course will walk you through a videonystagmography (VNG) appointment with a patient. It is designed to show you an example of how you can interact with your dizzy patients and what normal and abnormal results look like on screen. You will explore the basics and fundamentals of performing VNG testing for vestibular assessments, including how to use VNG goggles, which subtests are found within the VNG test battery and how to make a basic interpretation of the test results. This course will be useful to those who are new to VNG testing and who want to see what a VNG test appointment consists of.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how to position, adjust and calibrate VNG goggles for vestibular testing
  • Describe the sub tests and why they feature in the VNG test battery
  • Explain the basic interpretation of the VNG sub tests

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Getting Started: Threshold ABR


In this course, Amanda Goodhew, International Clinical Trainer, will demonstrate how to get started in threshold ABR testing, with a focus on testing newborn infants. This course will cover patient preparation, test strategy and results interpretation, with interactive tasks and case studies.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to prepare for ABR testing, including electrode placement and patient instructions.
  • Understand the tools available to implement and optimise testing strategy.
  • Be able to interpret ABR traces including waveform morphology, amplitude and latency.

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Getting started: Visible speech mapping


In this course, Jack Bennett, International Clinical Trainer, will demonstrate how to get started with using visible speech mapping for hearing aid fitting, verification and counseling.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to use visible speech mapping in verifying and fitting hearing instruments
  • Learn the role of visible speech mapping in counselling
  • Learn how to make the most of additional tools available within visible speech mapping

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Getting started: ASSR


This course provides an overview of the basics of performing the auditory steady state response (ASSR) test, including patient preparation, testing strategy and interpretation of results.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to prepare for ASSR testing, including electrode placement and patient instructions
  • Understand the tools available to optimise testing strategy
  • Interpret the test results obtained and understand the estimated audiogram

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