Getting Started with VNG

Getting Started with VNG, VEMP & Functional Assessment


Getting started: VNG


This course will walk you through a videonystagmography (VNG) appointment with a patient. It is designed to show you an example of how you can interact with your dizzy patients and what normal and abnormal results look like on screen. You will explore the basics and fundamentals of performing VNG testing for vestibular assessments, including how to use VNG goggles, which subtests are found within the VNG test battery and how to make a basic interpretation of the test results. This course will be useful to those who are new to VNG testing and who want to see what a VNG test appointment consists of.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how to position, adjust and calibrate VNG goggles for vestibular testing
  • Describe the sub tests and why they feature in the VNG test battery
  • Explain the basic interpretation of the VNG sub tests

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Which test, when: Exploring optimal vestibular assessment protocol through illustrative case studies


In this course, adapted from an eWorkshop, Dr Kamran Barin, Ph.D., will present a series of vestibular assessment cases studies in order to explore how to select and develop the most appropriate assessment protocol and test battery. This is an interactive event where you will be asked to interact and make decisions based on scenarios and examples which are shown to you.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify which vestibular test is the most appropriate first test based on the patient history
  • Determine if any other tests are needed to differentiate among different diagnoses
  • Determine the best management options based on the patient’s test findings

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Objectifying the functional assessment of the dizzy patient


This course will be focused on functional assessments, and how such testing sits within the dizzy patient pathway, with a specific focus on computerized, objective gaze stabilization testing. You will learn in detail how functional assessments of imbalance and the VOR can be improved by being computerized and therefore objective and repeatable. Particular focus will be paid to Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) tests and Gaze Stabilization Tests (GST). You will also gain insights in how to use these assessment results to create treatment and rehabilitation plans. This course will also cover a case study of a young man with VOR deficit and concussion after a head injury.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how functional assessments fit into vestibular clinics
  • Explain how to perform computerized, objective Gaze Stabilization Testing
  • Analyze the results of computerized Gaze Stabilization Testing

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