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Check Out Our Two-Part RECD Podcast


To follow up on our recent article about the importance of RECD for conducting hearing aid fittings with minimal contact, we’ve recorded a two-part podcast on the same topic titled RECD: Couplers and Conundrums.

Both parts of this podcast feature subject matter experts Julie Renshaw, M.A., CCC-A, Regional Sales Manager of e3 Gordon Stowe Indianapolis, and John Pumford, Au.D., Director of Audiology and Education at Audioscan. Together, they discuss the basics of the RECD measurement, the role of various couplers in complying with ANSI S3.46-2013, why using RECD to convert an audiogram from dB HL to dB SPL is beneficial, and much more.

Part 1: Back to Basics

In Part 1, Julie and John discuss the basics of the RECD measurement. This includes how far RECD has come since its inception, how modern technology has improved RECD measurement, and how RECD is applicable to patients of all ages. Other topics of discussion include why using RECD to convert an audiogram from dB HL to dB SPL is beneficial, what the purpose of simulated REM is,how often the RECD should be measured, and much more. Listen today!

Listen to Part 1


Part 2: To ANSI and Beyond

The second part focuses more on programming the hearing aid in the test box. Topics covered include the importance of selecting the type of hearing aid, the role of various couplers in complying with ANSI S3.46-2013, use for the new .4cc coupler featured in the Verifit 2, the importance of using the coupler that the measurement system is expecting, and more. Listen today to learn more!

Listen to Part 2

For more information on RECD, its benefits, and the best tools used to measure it,
get in touch with your local e3 office today