
Audioscan’s Intro & Advanced Virtual Workshops for 2022


For over thirty years, Audioscan has developed a well-earned reputation as the premier resource for real-ear measurement and hearing aid verification training. For 2022, Audioscan is pleased to continue its well-received Introductory and Advanced Virtual Verification Workshops.

Although virtual, both sessions include hands-on participation, guiding participants in the use of their Verifit2 systems during the workshop. For attendees who do not have direct access to a Verifit2 system, all hands-on procedures and experiences will be thoroughly demonstrated as part of the workshop presentation.

To ensure you get the most out of this training, Ryan Woods has invited David Smriga, M.A., a senior audiology consultant with Audioscan for more than ten years, to lead the course. Dave is a long-time expert on the subject and has delivered hundreds of verification workshops across the United States and Canada.

Register today! Your local e3 Diagnostics office will be virtually hosting events throughout 2022. Visit the link for all the virtual workshops at

Part 1: Verifit2 and Speechmap Operational Basics

Session includes:

  • Highlighting benefits of verification
  • Verifit2 system overview
  • System calibration and maintenance procedures
  • Speechmap concept and operation - both on-ear and in the test box
  • Clinical tips for real-ear and test box measurement setup
  • ProbeGUIDE overview and demonstration
  • Wideband real ear coupler difference (WRECD) - concept, procedure and applications
  • VerifitLINK overview and demonstration
  • Data storage and retrieval options (New features)

Part 2: Extended Speechmap and Advanced Digital Function Testing

Session includes:

  • Speechmap as a counseling tool interface
  • Open fit Speechmap verification procedures (New features)
  • Case studies / troubleshooting
  • Advanced digital functions verification including:
  1. Common digital hearing aid functions
  2. Treatment-specific hearing aid functions
  3. External device hearing aid functions

All 2022 Audioscan workshops are approved by both AAA and IHS to offer CEUs for this activity.

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