
4 Ways You Can Save on Audiology Equipment


So you need new audiology equipment, but your budget won’t allow for it. This is a frustration many hearing professionals deal with every year. A lot goes into the creation of a device – from hours of R&D to costly manufacturing expenses – so you can imagine why many of them come with high price tags.

The good news is, there are many ways to save on hearing and balance instruments; you just need to do some digging and ask the right questions. However, e3 is all about making the customer experience frictionless, so we’ve done our due diligence to compile a list of ways you can save on audiology equipment purchases with us.

Here’s how you can save money with e3:

Tradeshow Specials

Since we’ve developed close relationships with several of the world’s top manufacturers of audiological instruments, we’re able to offer premier discounts around tradeshows like AAA (Formerly AudiologyNOW!), IHS, and AOHC. Currently, we’re featuring some great specials for AAO-HNSF through the end of the year!

Co-op and Financing Programs

Another benefit to having strong relationships with manufacturers is the ability to develop co-op and creative financing programs with them. We’re constantly running these to help our customers offset their equipment expenses or pay them off incrementally. Some of our financing programs are interest-free, so they’re a great way to buy instruments if you don’t have the money upfront.


Have old devices you’re looking to dispose of? Don’t toss them in the trash! We’d happily take them off your hands and offer you a discount on new equipment. We’re constantly running trade-in specials that help you save big on new instruments. Before you buy something new, always check with your local e3 office to see if you can get money off by trading in your old equipment.

Section 179

Last, but not least, is Section 179 of the IRS tax code. This glorious tax break allows you deduct the full price of qualifying equipment and software purchased or financed during the tax year. This subtracts the full purchase price from your gross income, allowing you to keep more of your money in the bank. It’s an incredible opportunity to upgrade instruments, offer new services, or open a new office.

However, there are limitations. You can only deduct $500,000 of Section 179 investments each year, and companies with more than $2,000,000 of qualified investments are required to reduce their Section 179 deduction for each additional dollar of qualified investments they make. This means that if your company has more than $2,500,000 in investments, you can’t receive a Section 179 deduction.

Save big with e3 today!

Take advantage of all the ways you can save money with us. Get in touch with your local e3 office or request a quote. Be sure to ask about how we can help discount your new audiology equipment!