
3 Key Features of Amplivox BEEP


Software keeps getting smarter. So smart that it’s allowing simple hardware, such as smartphones and tablets, to do incredible things. A great example of this is Oticon’s ON app, which allows users to adjust the volume of their hearing aids, change listening programs, and much more from their smart devices. 

This isn’t just true for consumer-facing products, however. Companies like Grason-Stadler, MedRx, and now Amplivox have made it possible to conduct basic hearing screenings from a tablet through innovative software. Launched earlier this year, the AmplivoxBEEP is an all-in-one audiometry and lead generation system that allows users to effectively test themselves and receive a PASS/REFER result. 

AmplivoxBEEP offers cutting-edge diagnostic audiometry technology, featuring noise-reducing headphones and a room monitor to ensure accurate testing. Simple enough to allow patients to test themselves unattended, this screening audiometer is a perfect fit for locations like local pharmacies, physician offices, dispenser stores, care homes, and schools for convenience and flexibility. Best of all: No annual subscription fees!

Read on to learn three key features of AmplivoxBEEP.

Comprehensive Screening and Threshold Audiometry

The AmplivoxBEEP runs on the ModelONE screening audiometer. This allows the practitioner to perform air conduction audiometry at a frequency range of .125-8kHz. It also comes with a DD65v2A audiometric headset and a patient response switch.

Upon conclusion of the test, data can be sent via secure email or directly uploaded to your EMR system at no additional costs and without the need for a separate database. The secure report provides clear information on the test results, average background noise levels, and as patient information.

Watch this video to learn more about audiometry testing with AmplivoxBEEP.

Automatic Workflows for Guided and Self Testing

Automatic test settings can be fully customized including tested ear, used frequencies, starting level, level step, acceptable noise level, and pass/refer criteria. You can even upload pre-defined workflows through the AmplivoxBEEP editor. 

These automated workflows can save your practice valuable time that would otherwise be spent on administrative tasks such as manually entering test results into your EMR. With an automatic workflow, you can have the patient test themselves and have the results immediately sent to your EMR upon completion of the examination, freeing up time to tackle other to-dos.

Ambient Noise Monitoring for Accurate Testing

Leveraging a built-in microphone within the ModelONE audiometer, real-time ambient noise levels are monitored to ensure accurate testing. This helps avoid tests being compromised by excessive background noise. The AmplivoxBEEP will effectively monitor the levels of ambient noise in the room to ensure conditions are ideal for hearing screening.

For more information on the AmplivoxBEEP, get in touch with your local e3 office today! They’ll be happy to provide you with more information or even schedule a demonstration.

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