Power source 100 – 240V, 47 – 63Hz, 1.35A
Overall dimensions: Display unit WxHxD 35.6 x 40.3 x 16.5 cm (14 x 16 x 6.5 in.) Test box WxHxD 35.6 x 13.7 x 32.8 cm (14 x 5.4 x 12.9 in.)
Weight 6.5 kg (14.4 lbs)
Display LED backlit active color, 12.1 in. diagonal
REAL-EAR (REM) - per IEC 61669/ANSI3.46
REM Speakers dual 5 x 9 cm w/ ducted ports
Probe modules dual probe and ref. microphones
Analyzer frequency range 200 – 16000Hz
Analyzer filter parameters tones, warble 1/12 octave speech, noise 1/3 octave
Analyzer display range 200 – 12500 Hz
Measurement dynamic range 30 – 135 dB SPL (200 – 2500 Hz) 30 – 140 dB SPL (2500 – 12500 Hz)
Speech & Speech-like stimuli calibrated speech (level and spectrum), ISTS, band-limited and s/sh for verifying frequency lowering, live speech Broadband noise stimuli tone burst, pseudo-pink noise
Narrowband stimuli warble sawtooth modulated +/- 3% over 128 ms
User supplied stimuli WAV file, auto level Stimulus level range 40 – 85 dB SPL in 5 dB step
TEST BOX (HIT) - per IEC 60118/ANSI3.22
Test box speakers 1 front, 2 side, 30 mm independent
Working space 28w x 12.7d x 3.8h cm3
Isolation @1kHz >25dB
Analyzer frequency range 200 – 16000 Hz
Analyzer filter parameters tones 1/12 octave speech, noise 1/3 octave
Analyzer display range 200 – 12500 Hz
Speech & Speech-like stimuli calibrated speech (level and spectrum), ISTS, band-limited and s/sh for verifying frequency lowering, live speech Broadband noise stimuli tone burst, pseudo-pink noise
Broadband noise stimuli tone burst, pseudo-pink noise
Narrowband stimuli pure tone
User supplied stimuli WAV file, auto level
Test stimulus levels 40 – 90 dB in 5 dB steps
Battery drain range (+/- .01 mA) 0 – 20 mA
Telecoil stimulus 31.5 mA/m per ANSI S3.22